The Power Box is not operating or seems to be dead

For RC Models

Q1 – Is the power cord to the Power Box connected well into the Power Box assembly?

If Yes – Proceed to Q2.

If No – Connect it and check proper operation.

Power Box Assembly for RC and RS Models

Q2 – Disconnect the Power Box from both sides, the outlet socket, and the 15-meter extension cord. Connect the 220V power cord to a second power outlet (that you are sure is live). Is the power box still dead?

If Yes – Replace the Power Box.

If No – Call an electrician to fix the wall mount power socket.

For RS Models

Q1 – Is the power cord to the Power Box connected well into the Power Box assembly?

If Yes – Proceed to Q2.

If No – Proceed to Q3.

Power Box Assembly for RC and RS Models

Q2 – Disconnect the Power Box from both sides, the outlet socket, and the 20-meter extension cord. Connect the 220V power cord to a second power outlet (that you are sure is live). Is the Power Box still dead?

If Yes – Replace the Power Box.

If No – Proceed to Q3.

Q3 – Take the Power Box and connect it directly to the Base Station Head. This will bypass the 20-meter extension cord. Does the Power Box shut down?

If Yes – Replace the Base Station Head.

If No – Replace the 20-meter extension cord.