“Cross Outside” Message (RS Models)

When the mower is found outside the installed perimeter wire area, the most common reason for wire escape is a slope exceeding the mower edge mow limitation of 8.5 degrees for RS model mowers. If this is the case, adjust the wire installation to avoid doing an edge on such a slope.

If there is no slope greater than 8.5 degrees for your RS model mower, proceed to Step 1.

Step 1 – Is it a new installation or have changes been made to the lawn/installation cable recently?

If Yes – Proceed to Step 2.

If No – Proceed to Step 3.

Step 2 – Are you sure that the installation was made according to the rules of distance from a cliff, corner, narrow path, or adjacent lawn?

If Yes – Proceed to Step 3.
If No – Recheck that the wire was installed according to the installation instructions in the Operating and Safety Manual and correct where required.

Step 3 – Was the mower found out of the lawn’s installed perimeter wire?

If Yes – Proceed to Step 4.

If No – Proceed to Step 5.

Step 4 – Are there adjacent neighbors’ lawns with robotic lawn mowers (regardless of what brand) or dog fence installations?

If Yes – Proceed to Step 7.

If No – Proceed to Step 5.

Step 5 – Does it happen in a place near a corner or narrow pass?

If Yes – Proceed to Step 6.

If No – Proceed to Step 7.

Step 6 – Place the mower inside the lawn, in a location where it faces the place where it generated the error, then send it back to the Base Station with the “Go Home” command. Did the mower cross the wire again?

If Yes – Recheck that the wire was installed according to the installation instructions in the Operating and Safety Manual and correct where required.

If No – Proceed to Step 7.

Step 7 – Ask your neighbor to unplug the mains to their robot (or dog fence) for one day and operate Robomow in the closest zone to the neighbor’s adjacent lawn. Does the mower cross the wire again?

If Yes – Proceed to Step 8.

If No – While docked, change your mower Wire Type (there are 3 types – A,B,C) and keep using your mower. If this doesn’t solve the issue and the mower continues crossing out, contact customer support

Step 8 – Are there high voltage cables or iron nets buried in your lawn?

If Yes – Contact customer support for further checks if this is a mower issue or is there a chance your lawn is not suitable for robotic lawn mower.

If No – If not known, contact customer support for further analysis.

Step 9 – Create a test lawn of at least 20×30 feet (6x9m) and run the mower in it. Make sure wire sensor readings are stable and mower works well without wire crossings. If the mower behaves well in your test lawn, most likely the problem is in the installed lawn. Make sure surrounding interferences are eliminated in the lawn.